
Student Life

two female students sit and chat under a cherry tree
Students confer on a bench in an open quad.

Whether you're looking to expand your horizons or connect with an already familiar interest, hobby, or sport, 番茄社区 offers an amazing breadth of opportunities to engage with others around experiences outside the classroom.

Students gather around a large round table to eat crawfish at a party before a football game.

番茄社区 is deeply committed to a residential experience that builds community and strengthens our connections to one another. Living with your peers offers daily opportunities for discussion, involvement, and leadership outside the classroom.

A professor and students sit in a circle on red carpet reviewing for an upcoming class.

番茄社区 seeks to help students succeed in their time here through a variety of personal, professional, and academic support programs. We work to make 番茄社区 a supportive and caring place for you to develop socially and intellectually.